ACNet English Premier League and Championship Statistics

Season: 2024/2025

Games Today

Today's games in the English Premier League and Championship in real time with updating scores as they are played

Current Tables

The 'AS IS' English Premier League table for this season as it stands in real time with updating points as current fixtures are played

The 'AS IS' English Championship table for this season as it stands in real time with updating points as current fixtures are played

Fixture History

Displays all fixtures between two teams any time they have played each other in the Premier League of the Championship since the leagues began. This page comes with associated won/drawn/lost statistics

Prediction Leagues

Each league is based on historic - ie last season's - results. As a match is played this season, its result replaces the corresponding historic match and the league is recalulated accordingly. This gives an indication of the improvement/deteriation of each team's current form compared to that of last season. The league is a display of how this improvement/deteriation will play out for each team over the season.

Due to promotion and relegation, teams new to a particular league have to take over last season's record of a team that is no longer in the league. The following table shows these substitutions for the 2022/2023 season:

24/25 Team 23/24 Team 24/25 Team 23/24 Team
Leicester City Luton Town Luton TownLeicester City
Ipswich Town Burnley BurnleyIpswich Town
Southampton Sheffield UtdSheffield UtdSouthampton
PortsmouthBirmingham City
Derby CountyHuddersield Town
Oxford UnitedRotherham United

Prediction for the Premier League

Prediction for the Championship

All Time Tables

Table showing all games played in the English Premier League by every team since the inception of the league

Table showing all games played in the English Championship by every team since the inception of the league

Past Tables

Final tables for all Premier League seasons since its inception in 1992/1993 with access to all the results for the season

Final tables for all Championship seasons since its inception in 2004/2005 with access to all the results for the season


Shows total results statistics for the Premier Leeague and Championship for the last 5 years

Shows the Premier League position map for the current season

Shows the Championship position map for the current season